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LM1875   g eneral description: LM1875 pcb layout The LM1875 is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications. The LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4Ω or 8Ω load on ±25V supplies. Using an 8Ω load and ±30V supplies, over 30 watts of power may be delivered. The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components. Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown.The LM1875 design takes advantage of advanced circuit techniques and processing to achieve extremely low distortion levels even at high output power levels. Other outstanding features include high gain, fast slew rate and a wide power bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high current capability, and a very wide supply range. The amplifier is internally compensated and stable for gains of 10 or greater. LM1875  amplifier circuit : LM1875 AUDIO AMPLIFIER 20W...

LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W

LX1720  g eneral description: The LX1720 controller IC contains the necessary functions to implement a stereo Class-D audio amplifier. A Class-D amplifier is a "switching" amplifier that converts a low-level, analog, audio input signal into a highpower, pulse-width modulated (PWM) output. The switching frequency is much higher than the audio band which allows high frequency out-of-band components to be removed with a simple LC filter. The LX1720 generates a PWM output by controlling external MOSFET's connected in a full-bridge configuration. Because the MOSFET's are either full "on" or full "off", their power dissipation is minimal allowing maximum power to be delivered to the speaker. LX1720 Circuit: LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W

TDA8922 Audio Amplifier 2x25W

TDA8922   g eneral description: The TDA8922 is a high efficiency class-D audio power amplifier with very low dissipation.  The typical output power is 2 × 25 W. The device is available in the HSOP24 power package with a small internal heatsink and in the DBS23P through-hole power package. Depending on the supply voltage and load conditions, a very small or even no external heatsink is required. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from ±12.5 to ±30 V and consumes a very low quiescent current. TDA8922  features : High efficiency (∼90%) Operating supply voltage from ±12.5 to ±30 V Very low quiescent current Low distortion Usable as a stereo Single-Ended (SE) amplifier or as amono amplifier in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) Fixed gain of 30 dB in Single-Ended (SE) and 36 dB in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) High output power Good ripple rejection Internal switching frequency can be overruled by an external clock No switch-on or swi...

TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2x25W

TDA7490   g eneral description: The TDA7490 is a dual audio class D amplifier assembled in Flexiwatt 25 package; it is specially designed for high efficiency application mainly for TV and Home Stereo sets. TDA7490 features:  25W + 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL = 8Ω/4Ω; THD = 10% HIGH EFFICIENCY WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (FROM ±10 TO ±25V) SPLIT SUPPLY TURN OFF/ON POP FREE ST-BY AND MUTE FEATURES SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION ACROSS THE LOAD THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION EXTERNALLY SINCHRONIZABLE BRIDGE CONFIGURATION TDA7490 amplifier diagram, circuits: TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2x25W TDA7490 layout, pcb: TDA7490 layout, pcb TDA7490 layout, pcb

STK4221 Audio Amplifier 2x80w

STK4221   g eneral description: The STK4221II IC from SANYO is a dual high power amplifier chip, preferably suited for compact high power audio applications, for example in cars and luxury transport vehicle audio systems. The chip provides a hassle free stereo output through a single package and a hand full of few external components, making the construction of this circuit rather easy and straightforward. However since the idea presented here does not include a CD or a memory card driver circuit, the input may be derived from readymade audio sources like an ipod, CD walkman, cellphone etc. The circuit discussed here is intended specifically for car audio applications and provides a simple alternative for  making a 100 watt car stereo amplifier circuit. The diagram may be understood with the following points: An RC network formed by R5, R6 and C3, C4 together helps to reduce and filter stray frequency interferences and is therefore included at the input of th...

TDA1015 Audio Amplifier 1x4W

TDA1015   g eneral description: The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 W in a 4Ω load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V spplications. TDA1015  features : single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting separated preamplifier and power amplifier high output power thermal protection high input impedance low current drain limited noise behaviour at radio frequencies TDA1015  reference data : Supply voltage range VP 3,6 to 18 V Peak output current IOM max. 2,5 A Output power at dtot= 10% VP = 12 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 4,2 W VP = 9 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 2,3 W VP = 6 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 1,0 W Total harmonic distortion at Po = 1 W; RL = 4 Ω dtot typ. 0,3 % Input impedance preamplifier (pin 8) |Zi | > 100 kΩ...

TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W / 1 x 50W

TDA7490   g eneral description: The TDA7490 is a dual audio class D amplifier assembled in Flexiwatt 25 package; it is specially designed for high efficiency application mainly for TV and Home Stereo sets.   TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W / 1 x 50W TDA7490  features : 25W + 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL = 8Ω/4Ω; THD = 10% HIGH EFFICIENCY WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (FROM ±10 TO ±25V) SPLIT SUPPLY TURN OFF/ON POP FREE ST-BY AND MUTE FEATURES SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION ACROSS THE LOAD THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION EXTERNALLY SINCHRONIZABLE BRIDGE CONFIGURATION TDA7490  sterio circuit diagram : TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W / 1 x 50W circuit diagram TDA7490  mono circuit diagram : TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W / 1 x 50W mono circuit diagram TDA7490  sterio circuit pcb : TDA 7490 pcb layout 

TDA1562Q Audio Amplifier 50W

 TDA1562Q   g eneral description: Philips designers have further improved a number of properties of the IC, among which the power output. According to the Philips datasheet, the improved device, the TDA1562Q, can deliver 70 watts into 4 ohms, but that is at the cost of the distortion, which at 10 per cent is rather too high, even for in a car. The prototype of the design described in this article provides 54 watts into 4 ohms at 1 per cent distortion. Since the number of requisite external components is smaller than in the case of the earlier device, the printed-circuit board is even more compact than that for the February 1995 amplifier.  TDA1562Q  features : Low power dissipation during reproduction of music signals Proof against short-circuits Protection against excessive temperatures Standby switch No power-on or power-off clicks Visible error indication Measurement results (at Ub =14.4 V) Supply voltage 8–18 V Sensitivity 760 mV r.m...

TDA7560 Audio Amplifier 4x50W

TDA7560   g eneral description: TDA7560 is a 4 x 45W QUAD BRIDGE car audio amplifier plus HSD. The TDA7560’s inputs are ground-compatible and can stand very high input signals (± 8Vpk) without any performances degradation. If the standard value for the input capacitors (0.1mF) is adopted, the low frequency cut-off will amount to 16 Hz. The TDA7560 is a breakthrough BCD (Bipolar / CMOS / DMOS) technology class AB Audio Power Amplifierin Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high power car radio. The fully complementary P-Channel/N-Channel output structure allows a rail to rail output voltage swing which, combined with high output current and minimised saturation losses sets new power references in the car-radio field, with unparalleled distortion performances. TDA7560  features : 4 x 50W/4W MAX. 4 x 45W/4W EIAJ 4 x 30W/4W @ 14.4V, 1KHz, 10% 4 x 80W/2W MAX. 4 x 77W/2W EIAJ 4 x 55W/2W @ 14.4V, 1KHz, 10% EXCELLENT 2W DRIVING CAPABILITY HI-FI CLASS DISTORTION ...

TDA8922 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W

TDA8922   g eneral description: The TDA8922 is a high efficiency class-D audio power amplifier with very low dissipation. The typical output power is 2 × 25 W. The device is available in the HSOP24 power package with a small internal heatsink and in the DBS23P through-hole power package. Depending on the supply voltage and load conditions, a very small or even no external heatsink is required. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from ±12.5 to ±30 V and consumes a very low quiescent current.  TDA8922 Audio Amplifier 2 x 25W TDA8922  features : High efficiency (∼90%) Operating supply voltage from ±12.5 to ±30 V Very low quiescent current Low distortion Usable as a stereo Single-Ended (SE) amplifier or as a mono amplifier in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL)  Fixed gain of 30 dB in Single-Ended (SE) and 36 dB in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) High output power Good ripple rejection Internal switching frequency can be overruled by an...

TDA7482 Audio Power Amplifier 1-channel 1 x 25W

TDA 7482   g eneral description: The TDA7482 is an audio class-D amplifier assembled in Multiwatt15 package specially designed for high efficiency applications mainly for TV and HomeStereo sets.  TDA7482 Audio Amplifier 1 x 25W TDA 7482  features : 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL =8Ω/4Ω; THD = 10% HIGHEFFICIENCY WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (UP TO±25V) SPLITSUPPLY OVERVOLTAGEPROTECTION ST-BY AND MUTEFEATURES SHORTCIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMALOVERLOADPROTECTION TDA 7482  circuit diagram : TDA7482 Audio Amplifier 1 x 25W circuit diagram TDA 7482  sterio circuit layout : TDA7482 Audio Amplifier 1 x 25W pcb layout

LM386N Audio Power Amplifer Amplifier 1x2W

LM386N g eneral description: The LM386 is a power amplifier designed for use in low voltage consumer applications. The gain is internally set to 20 to keep external part count low, but the addition of an external resistor and capacitor between pins 1 and 8 will increase the gain to any value up to 200. The inputs are ground referenced while the output is automatically biased to one half the supply voltage. The quiescent power drain is only 24 milliwatts when operating from a 6 volt supply, making the LM386 ideal for battery operation.  LM386N Audio Amplifier 1x2W LM386N features: Battery operation Minimum external parts Wide supply voltage range: 4V–12V or 5V–18V Low quiescent current drain: 4mA Voltage gains from 20 to 200 Ground referenced input Self-centering output quiescent voltage Low distortion: 0.2% (AV = 20, VS = 6V, RL = 8Ω, PO = 125mW, f = 1kHz) n Available in 8 pin MSOP package LM386N circuit diagram: LM386N Audio Am...