Chip LM324 is a precision operational amplifier and contains four independent channels. She works in a wide range of supply voltages from 3 to 30 volts. The output current of each channel does not exceed 10 mA. On the chip can construct a set number of interesting devices. Scheme is relatively simple indicator of the audio signal, built on a chip LM324. Because the chip contains 4 outputs, the number of LEDs for the analyzer will also be four, one for each channel. The amplifier output is connected to the input indicator LEDs will light up depending on the frequency of play, at low input frequencies LEDs will flash column. The result is a very beautiful light and music effects. For best effect, you can use two chips, then it will be able to use 8 LEDs, we consider both options. Installation will not work if the input is connected to the line output from the computer sound card or headphone output does not work! During these experiments, it became clear that...
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