Circuit Description: MOSFET power amplifier circuit based on IRFP240 and IRFP9240 MOSFETs is shown here. The amplifier operates from a +45/-45 V DC dual supply and can deliver 100 watt rms into an 8 ohm speaker and 160 watt rms into a 4 ohm speaker. This Hi-Fi amplifier circuit is suitable for a lot applications like general purpose amplifier, guitar amplifier, keyboard amplifier. The amplifier can be also used as a sub woofer amplifier but a subwoofer filter stage has to be added before the input stage. The amplifier has a low distortion of 0.1%, a damping factor greater than 200, input sensitivity of 1.2V and the bandwidth is from 4Hz to 4 KHz. Circuit Features: Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB. Use a +45/-45 V DC, 3A dual supply for powering the circuit. Power supply voltage must not exceed +55/-55 V DC. Before connecting the speaker, check the zero signal output voltage of the amplifier and in any case it should not be higher than 50mV. If it is higher than 5...
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