Features High output power capability: 4 x 46 W / 4 max. 4 x 27 W / 4 @ 14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10 % Low distortion Low output noise Standby function Mute function Automute at min. supply voltage detection Low external component count: Internally fixed gain (26 dB) No external compensation No bootstrap capacitors Protections: Output short circuit to GND, to VS, across e load Very inductive loads Overrating chip temperature with soft ermal limiter Load dump voltage Fortuitous open GND Reversed battery ESD Description The TDA7384A is an AB class audio power amplifier, packaged in Flexiwatt 25 and designed for high end car radio applications. Based on a fully complementary PNP/NPN configuration, the TDA7384A allows a rail to rail o utput voltage swing with no need of bootstrap capacitors. The extremely reduced boundary components count allows very compact sets. Circuit Diagram 4 x 46 W quad bridge car radio...
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