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DesignSpark PCB Software

Powerful, convenient and affordable design system for creating professional diagrams and printed circuit boards. DesignSpark PCB can be used successfully as professional developers, and radio amateurs and students, it is similar to other modern programs and creation of electronic devices is based on the schematic editor module and PCB layout.   Design environment allows you to work with the boards to an area of ​​one square meter, restrictions on the number of sheets and layers not.   There is a function autorouting, the result if necessary be adjusted manually. This software allows you to export your spreadsheet circuit connections (ie netlist) in Spice-industry standard simulators that can test the circuit for errors and perform wiring before manufacturing PCB.   Supported program for analysis of electronic circuits LTSpice, TINA, LSSpice and TopSpice.   Special menu converts the files into *. Cir, *. Net and *. Sch-formats.   Grouping allows you to co...