Software with open source software, specializing in professional development and editing of printed circuit boards. FreePCB program is fairly well known in Russia, but she won the main popularity in the U.S. and in India. This editor is very easy to learn and at the same time able to withstand the high demands for quality professionals PCB design. The program allows you to get results in a larger format Gerber (topology files) format and Excellon (files for drilling). These data is sufficient to order the production of boards in offices specialize in this. Besides software package supports up to 16 layers, you can work with both inch and metric units. PCB size can be up to 1524x1524 mm. Editor uses the library buildings from companies IPC, PCB Matrix and Design International. It is possible to import and export a netlist in PADS-PCB. In recent version adds verification of compliance with design rules and AutoSave results. ...
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