Features: 2 W Into 3-Ω Speakers (THD+N< 0.4%) < 0.08% THD+N at 1 W, 1 kHz, Into 4-Ω Load Extremely Efficient Third Generation 5-V lass-D Technology: Low Supply Current (No Filter) . . . 8 mA Low Supply Current (Filter) . . . 15 mA Low Shutdown Current . . . 1 µA Low Noise Floor . . . 56 µVRMS Maximum Efficiency Into 3 Ω, 65-70% Maximum Efficiency Into 8 Ω, 75-85% 4 Internal Gain Settings . . . 8-23.5 dB PSRR . . . -77 dB Integrated Depop Circuitry Description: The TPA2000D2 is the third generation 5-V class-D amplifier from Texas Instruments. Improvements to previous generation devices include: lower supply current, lower noise floor, better efficiency, four different gain settings, smaller packaging, and fewer external components. The most significant advancement with this device is its modulation scheme that allows the amplifier to operate without the output filter. Eliminating the output filter saves the user approximately 30% in system cost an...
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