The preamplifier amplifies the output signal of a microphone, so that it can be. The further amplified by a power amplifier The circuit provides an output signal line. With two transistors, it is not difficult to build such a circuit. The amplifier produces little noise. In the shown embodiment, the circuit is suitable for microphones 500 and 600 Ω. 200 Ω R1 microphones should be reduces to 220 Ω and C1 should be increased to 4.7 uF. The gain is set by R2. If the average declared value of 22 K? Can be used. The maximum gain is about 200times. R1 = 470 Ω R 2 = 22 K? R3 = 12 K? R4 = 47 k R5 = 820 Ω R6 = 100 Ω R7 = 1 k R8 = 100 k C1, C4 = 2.2 V μF/16 C2 = 47 V μF/16 C3 = 470 nF T1 = BC 549C T2 = BC 547B
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