Features high internal dissipation - 250 watts high voltage. high curent - 100V, 30 A high slew rate - 100V/uS 4 wire curent limit sensig low distorsion external shutdown control Description: The PA05 is a high voltage MOSFET power operational amplifier that extends the performance limits of power amplifier in slew rate and power bandwidth, while maintaining high current and power dissipation ratings. The PA05 is a highly flexible amplifier. The shutdown control feature allows the output stage to be turned off for standby operation or load protection during fault conditions. Boost voltage inputs allow the small signal portion of the amplifier to operate at a higher voltage than the high current output stage. The amplifier is then biased to achieve close linear swings to the supply rails at high currents for extra efficient operation. EQUIVALENT SCHEMATIC: Circuit diagram for 500W MOSFET POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS PA...
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