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Showing posts with the label Amplifier Circuits

22 Watt Car Subwoofer Amplifier

Circuit Description      The stereo signals coming from the line outputs of the car radio amplifier are mixed at the input and, after the Level Control, the signal enters the buffer IC1A and can be phase reversed by means of SW1. This control can be useful to allow the subwoofer to be in phase with the loudspeakers of the existing car radio. Then, a 12dB/octave variable frequency Low Pass filter built around IC1B, Q1 and related components follows, allowing to adjust precisely the low pass frequency from 70 to 150Hz. Q2, R17 and C9 form a simple dc voltage stabilizer for the input and filter circuitry, useful to avoid positive rail interaction from the power amplifier to low level sections.      This unit is intended to be connected to an existing car stereo amplifier, adding the often required extra "punch" to the music by driving a subwoofer. As very low frequencies are omnidirectional, a single amplifier is necessary to drive this dedicated louds...

Car subwoofer filter circuit

Circuit description: Here is the circuit diagram of a simple subwoofer filter that can be operated from a 12V DC supply. Such a circuit is very useful in automobile subwoofer applications. The circuit is nothing but a low pass filter whose pass frequency can be adjusted between 60 to 160 Hz. The circuit is designed around the TL072 dual BIFET opamp IC. Out of the two opamps inside the chip, IC1A is wired as a buffer. The left and right audio inputs after mixing is fed to the input of the IC1A using the DPDT switch S1. Switch S1 is the phase control switch which can be used to make the subwoofer in phase with other speakers. When S1 is in position 2, 180 degree phase shift will be induced.POT R7 can be used for controlling the level. IC1B forms the low pass filter whose pass frequency can be controlled by adjusting the dual gang POT R13. Circuit Features: The circuit can be powered from 12V DC. IC1 must be mounted on a holder. S1 is a DPDT switch. R13 should be a dual gang l...

TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits

TDA7294 Audio Amplifier Circuits TDA7294 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15 package, with high output power (up to 100W) intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Stereo, self powered loudspeakers, Topclass TV). Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high out current capability it is able to supply the highest power into both 4W and 8W loads even in presence of poor supply regulation, with high Supply Voltage Rejection. TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits pcb TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits layout

Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit 30W

 Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit 30W  description:      This circuit with 30w output Power circuit. This Amplifier circuit is very suitable for use in subwoofer amplifier system based on IC SI1030G. Amplifier has 30W output with 8 ohm impedance. Supply voltage required minimum of 12 volts and a maximum of up to 22 volts DC.  Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit 30W  Circuit diagram:  Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit 30W   Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit 30W  Partlist: R1 = 100K R2 = 1R C1 = 2.2uF C2 = 100uF C3 = 47uF C4 = 100nF C5 = 10uF C6 = 47uF C7 = 100uF IC = SI1020GL , SI1030G

Audio Amplifier 1000W wtih active speaker

Audio Amplifier 1000W  description: I think you've seen or even have an active speaker and there is written 1500 watts PMPO (Peak Music Power Output), make no mistake this is different from Power Amplifier Active Speaker, I often dismantle such Active Speaker in it only a power with power no more than 150 watts by using the transformer 2-3 Ampere. PMPO is not a real power which is issued by the Power Amplifier, but counting all the speakers that there is, for example: if there are 5 pieces of speakers on each channel and each speaker has a power of 10 W then it is 100 W PMPO. Audio Amplifier 1000W  circuit diagram: While this 1000 Watt Power Amplifier minimal use transformer 20 Ampere. And the output of Power AmplifierDC voltage contains approximately 63 volts, with currents and voltages of this magnitude, this 1000 Watt Power Amplifier will not hesitate hesitate to destroy your woofer speakers to connect. To overcome that then before the speaker on connects ...

Stereo Power Amplifier 3000W

Stereo Power Amplifier 3000W Description This power amplifier circuit using a transistor amplifier from the front, signal splitter, driver and power amplifier. Current consumption required is quite large power amplifier that is 15-20 A 1500W power amplifier circuits for this. Supply voltage needed by the power of this amplifier is the optimal working order symmetrical 130VDC (130VDC-130VDC ground). 1500W amplifier circuit below is a picture series of mono, stereo if you want to make it necessary to make two copies of the circuit. For more details can be viewed directly image the following 1500W power amplifier circuit. In the above series of power amplifier 1500W is equipped to control a DC Offset function to set the power amplifier is turned on at the moment and with no input signal then the output should be 0VDC. Then also equipped with a flow regulator to the power amplifier bias. Final part of this power amplifier requires adequate cooling to absorb the heat generated. Power am...

250 W Stereo Audio Amplifier Class-T

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The TA0103A is a 250W continuous average (4Ω ), two channel Amplifier Driver Module which uses Tripath’s proprietary Digital Power Processing (DPPT M ) technology. Class-T amplifiers offer bot h the audio fidelity of Class-AB and the power efficiency of Class-D amplifiers.  Applications: Audio/Video  Amplifiers/Receivers  Pro-audio Amplifiers  Automobile Power Amplifiers  Subwoofer Amplifiers  Home/PC Speaker Systems Circuit Amplifier: 250 W Stereo Audio Amplifier Class-T

Recording/playback and 2 W audio power amplifier TDA1016

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The TDA1016 is a monolithic integrated audio power amplifier, preamplifier and A.L.C. circuit designed for applications  in radio-recorders and recorders. The wide supply voltage range makes this circuit very suitable for d.c. and a.c.  apparatus. The circuit incorporates the following features: Features: Power amplifier/monitor amplifier Preamplifier/record and playback amplifier Automatic Level Control (A.L.C.) circuit Voltage stabilizer Short-circuit (up to 12 V a.c.) and thermal protection Circuit diagram: Recording/playback and 2 W audio power amplifier TDA1016

1 to 4 W audio power amplifier

General Description: The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 W in a 4 Ω load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V applications.  1 to 4 W audio power amplifier Special features: single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting separated preamplifier and power amplifier high output power thermal protection high input impedance low current drain limited noise behaviour at radio frequencies Circuit Diagram: 1 to 4 W audio power amplifier circuit diagram Datasheet for TDA1015:   Download

100 Watt MOSFET Amplifier Circuit

Circuit Descpription MOSFET based amplifiers as we all know are outstanding with their sound qualities and they can easilly beat the performance of other counterparts based on power transistors or linear ICs. However amplifiers based on mosfets are not always easy to design or make. Circuit Diagram 100 Watt MOSFET Amplifier Circuit

100W Audio Amplifier with MUTE/ST-BY

General description: VS  - Supply Voltage (No Signal) ±50 V IO  - Output Peak Current 10 A Ptot  - Power Dissipation Tcase= 70°C 50 W Top  - Operating Ambient Temperature Range 0 to 70 °C Tstg,-  Tj Storage and Junction Temperature 150 °C Amplifier circuit diagram : Layout circuit diagram :

100w audio amplifier

General description:   All resistors are standard metal film 250mW except: R1/3/4/7, these are 2W metal film, and the 0.22ohm beeing 5W. Around R7 is wounded a 0.6mm isolated (enamelled) copper wire forming the output coil. (~12 windings)  For c19 i used 470uf/16v, all other electrolytics 63v. The 10/100/330pF should be mica-caps. The 100nf and 47nf is recommended to be Wima MKS2 (or better), also for C1 i suggest Wima MKS2, 4.7uf is enough. For Trimpot i use a Piher. The MPSA18 can be substituted by BC550C, for all other parts i do not recommend changes, especially the feedback network (r29/30) should be kept unchanged, feedback compensation is very delicate for this circuit ! Be careful when substituting the MPSA18 with BC550C, the pinout is reversed between these 2 transistors !!! The bias is adjusted via the trimpot (R22). Recommended bias is 55ma, resulting in 12mv across a single 0.22ohms or 24mv across both 0.22ohms. Connect a DMM to the upper wires of these resisto...