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Showing posts with the label 4W

TDA1015 Audio Amplifier 1x4W

TDA1015   g eneral description: The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 W in a 4Ω load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V spplications. TDA1015  features : single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting separated preamplifier and power amplifier high output power thermal protection high input impedance low current drain limited noise behaviour at radio frequencies TDA1015  reference data : Supply voltage range VP 3,6 to 18 V Peak output current IOM max. 2,5 A Output power at dtot= 10% VP = 12 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 4,2 W VP = 9 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 2,3 W VP = 6 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 1,0 W Total harmonic distortion at Po = 1 W; RL = 4 Ω dtot typ. 0,3 % Input impedance preamplifier (pin 8) |Zi | > 100 kΩ...

Stereo Tube Amplifier 4 Watts

Stereo tube amplifier circuit which is built based 5 power tubes of 6SQ7-GT, 6V6-GT and 5Y3-GT. This circuit generates up to 4 watts audio output each channel visit page. Stereo Tube Amplifier 4 Watts

LM378 dual4-watt amplifier Mini-stereo

This circuit is built around two chips: the MC1458 dual op amp, configured as a preamplifier, and the LM378 dual4-watt amplifier. The gain of the preamp is given by R3/R1 for one side and R4/R2 for the other side, which is about 100. That gain can be varied by increasing the ratios. The left and right channel inputs are applied to pins 2 and 6. The left and right outputs of U1 at pins 7 and 2 are coupled through CS/ RlO and C3/R6, respectively, to U2 to drive the two 8-0loudspeakers. LM378 dual4-watt amplifier Mini-stereo

4w audio amplifier

Circuit diagram: 4w audio amplifier Datasheet for TDA1904: Download