TDA7294 general description: This circuit described here uses two cis tda 7294 for use in stereo (2 x 80Watts) or bridge mode (1x 180 Watts), to configure this setting just four jumpers. To facilitate mounting the circuit has power supply attached. The power is kind of simple symmetrical with a bridge rectifier 6A, and two large electrolytic capacitors , 10000μF the 22000μF/50v. This Power supply will for the two modules. The processor is recommended 22-0-22 to 28-0-28 / 5A, depending on the quality of the transformer is recommended at least 6 amps of current. TDA7294 features: High power performances with limited supply voltage level. Considerably high output power even with high load values (i.e. 16 Ohm). Rl= 8 Ohm, Vs = ±25V Pmax = 150 W Rl=16Ohm, Vs = ±35V TDA7294 circuit diagram: TDA7294 circuit diagram TDA7294 layout: TDA7294 layout TDA7294 pcb: TDA7294 pcb Datasheet for TDA7294: Download Searches rel...
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