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TDA7294 Audio Amplifier 2 x 80W

TDA7294 general description: This circuit described here uses two cis tda 7294 for use in stereo (2 x 80Watts) or bridge mode (1x 180 Watts), to configure this setting just four jumpers. To facilitate mounting the circuit has power supply attached. The power is kind of simple symmetrical with a bridge rectifier 6A, and two large electrolytic capacitors , 10000μF the 22000μF/50v. This Power supply will for the two modules. The processor is recommended 22-0-22 to 28-0-28 / 5A, depending on the quality of the transformer is recommended at least 6 amps of current. TDA7294 features: High power performances with limited supply voltage level. Considerably high output power even with high load values (i.e. 16 Ohm). Rl= 8 Ohm,  Vs = ±25V  Pmax = 150 W Rl=16Ohm,  Vs = ±35V  TDA7294 circuit diagram: TDA7294 circuit diagram TDA7294 layout: TDA7294 layout TDA7294 pcb: TDA7294 pcb Datasheet for TDA7294:   Download Searches rel...

TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits

TDA7294 Audio Amplifier Circuits TDA7294 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15 package, with high output power (up to 100W) intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Stereo, self powered loudspeakers, Topclass TV). Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high out current capability it is able to supply the highest power into both 4W and 8W loads even in presence of poor supply regulation, with high Supply Voltage Rejection. TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits pcb TDA7294 Amplifier Circuits layout