Powerful computer-aided design of printed circuit boards and electronic computing devices.
The program is able to complete the entire cycle of PCB design and deployment of interactive autotrace guides, troubleshooting at any stage of the project, preparation of documentation, check the integrity of all signals, crosstalk analysis. Easy referral system and user interface reduce "barrier to entry" for beginners.
The program is able to complete the entire cycle of PCB design and deployment of interactive autotrace guides, troubleshooting at any stage of the project, preparation of documentation, check the integrity of all signals, crosstalk analysis. Easy referral system and user interface reduce "barrier to entry" for beginners.
P-CAD consists of two independent modules - Schematic (Editor electrical circuits) and PCB (printed circuit board editor). Projects schemes can contain up to 999 sheets and draft boards - up to 999 layers of size 60x60 inches. There are opportunities for interactive routing of differential pairs to minimize electromagnetic interference multimarshrutnaya tracing the specified parameters, orthogonal dragging conductors. Besides the basic routines P-CAD has support: Library Executive (library manager), Symbol Editor (Editor symbols of the elements), Pattern Editor (Editor seats, housings elements) and some others. P-CAD libraries store more than 27,000 items, certified according to ISO 9001. Fully supported formats Gerber and ODB + +.
Among the recent improvements to P-CAD - adding tracer Situs powerful design environment of Altium Designer , CAMtastic package for the preparation of printed circuit board to the production and service analog and digital simulation and nVisage Xspice.
In 1996 the company ACCEL Technologies presented to the public the first version of P-CAD called ACCEL EDA. The product has gained popularity among designers of digital devices. January 17, 2000 ACCEL Technologies was acquired leading developer of CAD Protel International. In March 2000, ACCEL EDA changed its name to P-CAD. Today it is the most famous in Russia design environment. On the Internet there are lots of information about this program.
Computer-aided design using English interface. Proven or official russifiers not. Using True Type fonts allows inscriptions in Russian.
In summer 2006, the owner of the program Australian company Altium formally announced that it would stop the development of P-CAD.Developers were invited to go to Altium Designer - a powerful product company. In spring 2008, the company announced the termination of proprietary (English-language) support. After June 30, 2008, legally purchased P-CAD can not.
The latest official version became a P-CAD 2006 SP2 released in 2006.
P-CAD 2006 is fully operational only in the operating systems Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows NT.
P-CAD 2006 is fully operational only in the operating systems Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows NT.
The official website for P-CAD: http://www.altium.com