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P-CAD Software

Powerful computer-aided design of printed circuit boards and electronic computing devices.   The program is able to complete the entire cycle of PCB design and deployment of interactive autotrace guides, troubleshooting at any stage of the project, preparation of documentation, check the integrity of all signals, crosstalk analysis.   Easy referral system and user interface reduce "barrier to entry" for beginners. P-CAD consists of two independent modules - Schematic (Editor electrical circuits) and PCB (printed circuit board editor).   Projects schemes can contain up to 999 sheets and draft boards - up to 999 layers of size 60x60 inches.   There are opportunities for interactive routing of differential pairs to minimize electromagnetic interference multimarshrutnaya tracing the specified parameters, orthogonal dragging conductors.   Besides the basic routines P-CAD has support: Library Executive (library manager), Symbol Editor (Editor symbols of the elem...