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2 x 25 W Power amplifier for car radio TDA7376B

Features High output power capability: 2 x 40 W max./ 4  2 x 35 W/4  EIAJ 2 x 25 W/4  (14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10 %) 2 x 25 W/ 2 (14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10 %) Differential inputs Minimum external components count Internally fixed gain (26 db) Mute function (cmos compatible) Automute at minimum supply voltage detection Standby function No audible pop during mute and standby  operations Clipping detector with programmable distortion  threshold short circuit (out to ground, out to supply  voltage, across the load) overrating chip temperature with soft  thermal limiter load dump voltage fortuitous open ground  loudspeaker dc current ESD Description The TDA7376B is a new technology dual bridge  audio amplifier in Multiwatt 15 package designed  for car radio applications. Thanks to the fully  complementary PNP/NPN output stage  configuration the TDA7376B delivers a rail-to-rail  voltage swing with no need of bootstrap  capaci...