Circuit Description IC TA8210AH By using this you can apply a series of audio power amplifier is the car audio system. In general, all the speakers in the car using a subwoofer speaker, and woofer. Because the car is not big room so the sound is being required is not too high. Audio amplifier circuit can work at a minimum voltage 12-volt DC, if supplied under voltage 12-voltamplifier work will be less than the maximum. This amplifier output power up to 200W or 2 x 100W stereo with 8 ohm impedance. Circuit Diagram 200 Watt Stereo Car Amplifier Part List : Resistor R1 =1K R2 =50K trim R3 =1K R4 =50K trim R5 =680R R6 =680R R7 =150K R8 =2R2 R9 =2R2 R10=2R2 R11=2R2 Capacitor C1 =1uF C2 =1uF C3 =47uF C4 =47uF C5 =100n/400V C6 =220uF C7 =220uF C8 =100n/400V C9 =100n/400V C10=100n/400V Intregated Circuit IC1=TA8210AH Connector X2-3=in R X2-2=gnd X2-1=in L X1-1,X1-2=Out R X1-3,X1-4=Out L
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