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Showing posts with the label Guitar Effect Circuit

Guitar Circuit with built-in speaker

The idea to make a guitar with a built-in speaker came when I stumbled upon a fact that if I miss a pulse through the speaker, it will be heard far away. Recall manual siren. Human hand, twisting it develops 0.1 horsepower, this is where it is 100 watts (RMS), and heard it on the entire city.Flashlight compared with 1500 Watt PMPO 1000W RMS projector brightness turned this flashlight shines brighter and more, even though there was a light bulb 5 watts RMS. Similarly, energy saving light bulbs, written on them two 100 watts and 8 watts. But this retreat. Also on imported musical instrument in writing all power PMPO. So, if the distortion of the sound spectrum converted to a pulse with a large buildup of small capacitors and alleviate sinus large capacitors, then turn out so when mixed. Promoduliruyutsya under sinusoidal pulses, acquiring the height of its envelope. Pulses will hear anything away, because of their large growth. But due to the fact that they will have different ...

Guitar Amplifier circuit

Pedal ("lotion», stomp-box) is designed to simulate the sound of a tube amp channels slaboperegruzhennogo Fender Twin Reverb and implementation effects «Clean» and «Crunch». A distinctive feature of this pedal is very plausible imitation tube sound, and low power consumption of the battery. («Clean» - sound with virtually no distortion, but with the corrected tone, usually bright, with a predominance of high frequencies. «Crunch» - sound on the verge of distortion and with a little overdrive). The article is intended not only for professionals, musicians, but also for beginners because some terms and concepts considered overly detailed, pro please treat this with understanding ... A little history In contemporary music, electric guitar takes about the same place as in the classical violin. Some styles of rock without electric possible at all ... For all that is in itself an electric guitar - an instrument with a rather weak capacity (to see this - turn it directly into...

Guitar Effect Circuit

Description This is a circuit I have designed for guitar effect builders, I was very unsatisfied with the way everyone was using just a plain old double pole double throw click switch for the bypassing. Most of the time it was very scratchy sounding using that method and I experienced loud pops in my amplifier when switching from straight through to effect. Observing my "Boss" pedals and how they were switched on and off I figured there must be more to it. It took me only about 4 hours to design and test this circuit, It works very well and I'm really satisfied with it so I'll be using it in all the effect pedals I build. It's a very clean bypass both electronically and mechanically. How it works: the first stage in the schematic is a 4011 nand gate chip set up as a debounced switch to give the logic pulses from the switch to the flip flop. The second stage is the flip flop, this is a 4027 JK flip flop set up in toggle mode, this controls the switching of th...