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Showing posts with the label car subwoofer

Auto Amplifier Wiring Diagram

In whis circuit is designed a simple connection between audio componets. Auto Amplifier Wiring Diagram from

How to Match a Car Subwoofer and Amplifier

Need help knowing how to match a car subwoofer and amplifier? Tired of your friends constantly asking you to pair a sub and amp for them? Watch this video (or send it to a friend) and learn about the three major points of matching subwoofers and amps: The Total RMS of the System The Final Impedance of the System Types of Amplifiers In this video we use the 750 watts RMS Kicker CVX (CompVX) subwoofer and the Kicker ZX750.1 amplifier (750 watts RMS @ 2 ohm) as an example of a perfectly matched subwoofer and amp.

100 watt subwoofer for home circuit diagram

Circuit Diagram

1000W Power Amplifier

Circuit Description 1000W Power Amplifier: Power amplifier has up to 1000 Watt power, this circuit made one channel only so if you want to create a stereo in it must be made one again, actually this is more suitable power amplifier in use for Sound System or outdoor, so if only in use for the house I think is less suitable. Maybe you've seen or even have an active speaker and there is written 1500 watts PMPO (Peak Music Power Output), make no mistake this is different from Power Amplifier Active Speaker, I often dismantle such Active Speaker in it only a power with power no more than 150 watts by using the transformer 2-3 Ampere. PMPO is not a real power which is issued by the Power Amplifier, but counting all the speakers that there is, for example: if there are 5 pieces of speakers on each channel and each speaker has a power of 10 W then it is 100 W PMPO. Circuit Diagram 1000W Power Amplifier: 1000W Power Amplifier Partlist 1000W Power Amplifier: Wh...

200 Watt Stereo Car Amplifier

Circuit Description IC TA8210AH By using this you can apply a series of audio power amplifier is the car audio system. In general, all the speakers in the car using a subwoofer speaker, and woofer. Because the car is not big room so the sound is being required is not too high. Audio amplifier circuit can work at a minimum voltage 12-volt DC, if supplied under voltage 12-voltamplifier work will be less than the maximum. This amplifier output power up to 200W or 2 x 100W stereo with 8 ohm impedance. Circuit Diagram 200 Watt Stereo Car Amplifier Part List : Resistor R1 =1K R2 =50K trim R3 =1K R4 =50K trim R5 =680R R6 =680R R7 =150K R8 =2R2 R9 =2R2 R10=2R2 R11=2R2 Capacitor C1 =1uF C2 =1uF C3 =47uF C4 =47uF C5 =100n/400V C6 =220uF C7 =220uF C8 =100n/400V C9 =100n/400V C10=100n/400V Intregated Circuit IC1=TA8210AH Connector X2-3=in R X2-2=gnd X2-1=in L X1-1,X1-2=Out R X1-3,X1-4=Out L

Subwoofer power amplifier IC OPA541BM

Circuit Diagram Subwoofer power amplifier IC OPA541BM Amplifier Description   Subwoofer power amplifier circuit based on IC OPA541BM very suitable for use in subwoofer speakers, these amplifiers possess excellence in sound issued because the sound is very clear and issued in accordance with subwoofer speakers in a low tone.

Car audio amplifier with IC TA7203P

Circuit Diagram Car audio amplifier with IC TA7203P Circuit Description Stereo car power amplfier with TA7203P , is suitable for the room your car , your car it will build an increasingly crowded and felt like using high-class amplifiers and speakers. Simply using this circuit and some speaker subwoofer speakers you can enjoy it. Technical information : Max voltage = 20 Volt Min voltage = 8 Volt Max output = 2 x 40 Watt RL = 8 Ohm

14 Watt car audio amplifier circuit

Basic operation of this amplifier is on IC TEA2021 , In this circuit minimum require voltage is 4 volts and maximum voltage 25 volts. Power output 14 Watt with 4 Ohm impedance. See this schematic.

Car Amplifier with IC LA4445

This circuit using IC LA4445 , this is stereo amplifier with power output 2 X 18 Watt, with this circuit you can use to car amplifier or to other elctronics device. Speaker use woofer with impedance 4 Ohm with power up to 20 Watt. Minimum voltagte require 10 Volt and maximum voltage 18 volt. Car Amplifier with IC LA4445 If you can't operate the circuit , please check IC , and then voltage in. If voltage is good check the component are. If components are working . Please check speakers.

Subwoofer Low Pass filter Circuit

This is the simplest Subwoofer Low Pass filter Circuit using uA741 single op amp ic. The circuit is very low cost with respect to their work. The cut off frequency of this circuit is 25Hz to 80Hz maximum. Using this circuit , you can easily design a 2.1 Sub-woofer Speaker System at your own Home. The circuit contains very few components.In Pakistan, the cost of this circuit with PCB is Rs:45 The same circuit is working in my own hand made sub-woofer system.  Subwoofer Low Pass filter Circuit Parts List: R1,R3,R4 = 10K 1/4W R2=100K 1/4W CY1,CY2 = 0.22uF Polyester C1,C2 = 10uF/25V Electrolytic IC1 = uA741A Single Op-Amp Ic + 8 Pin Ic Socket 3 Pin Male & Female Connector x 2 2 Pin Male & Female Connector x 1 PCB as in required size 4.5 cm x 3.4 cm

300W Subwoofer Amplifier

150W Subwoofer

It may seem a little excessive, but since I had the programmer, the C compiler and some spare PIC16F627 chips, this solution to handling power on mute, 12V trigger powering and LED for status would be small, reliable and cheap. Three relays would be involved. Mains switching relay, to switch in the 225VA toriodal transformer Output switching relay, to disconnect the speaker from the amp Input switching relay, to remove any input so the output switching relay switches a very small current, prolonging its life (thanks to Mark Hennessy for this idea). Two LEDs would be on the front of the box. One LED for standby, one (blue) LED for power on. The would both flash in turn when the power on sequence runs. Finally, there would be two inputs. One small push button for mounting on the front of the case for manual power on/off, and one 12V trigger input, isolated using a standard opto-isolator in order to prevent earth loops. Thats all there is to it. Without the PCB mount transformer, the PCB...

50 Watt Subwoofer Amplifier

R1  200 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor R2  200K 1/4 W Resistor R3  30K 1/4 W Resistor R5  1K 1/4 W Resistor R6  5K 1/4 W Resistor R7,R10  Meg (5%) 1/2 W Resistor R8,R9  0.4 Ohm 5 W Resistor R11  10K Pot R12,R13  51K 1/4 W Resistor R14  47K 1/4 W Resistor C1  100uF 35V Electrolytic Capacitor C2  0.011uF Capacitor C3  3750pF Capacitor C4,C6  1000pF Capacitor C5,C7,C8  0.001uF Capacitor C9  50pF Capacitor C10  0.3uF Capacitor C11,C12  10,000uF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor U1,U2  741 Op Amp U3  ICL8063 Audio Amp Transister Driver thingy Q1  2N3055 NPN Power Transistor Q2  2N3791 PNP Power Transistor BR1  250 V 6 Amp Bridge Rectifier T1  50V Center Tapped 5 Amp Transformer S1  SPST 3 Amp Switch S2  DPDT Switch F1  2 Amp Fuse SPKR1  8 Ohm 50W Speaker MISC  Case, Knobs, Line Cord, Binding Posts Or Phono Plugs (For Input And Output), Heatsinks For Q1 And Q2

60W Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit

The output power: 40 w 8 ohm and 60 w 4 ohm load. Preamplifier is used in the same 60 v rails as the power amplifier gain blocks can implement two transistors can provide about 20 v RMS output. This provides a very high input overload. List at least the recommended value is C8. 3300μf capacitor or two 2200μf capacitors connected in parallel would be a better choice. Darlington transistor types of alternative has MJ11014 (Q3) and MJ11013 (Q4) or TIP142 (Q3) and TIP147 (Q4). T1 transformer can be also a 24 24 v or 25 25 v type (ie. 48 v or 50 v center tapped). SW1 switch insert low-cut feature when open. In all cases, Darlington transistors are used as the output device is essential that the transistor (Q2) pass in close thermal contact with the sensor output transistors as possible. R1__________________6K8 1W Resistor R2,R4_____________470R 1/4W Resistors R3__________________2K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet R5,R6_______________4K7 1/2W Resistors R7________________220R 1/2W Res...

Subwoofer Amplifier 100W

R1 - 6K R2 - 6K R3 - 130K R4 - 22K R5 - 15K R6 - 3.2K R7 - 300 Ohms R8 - 30 Ohms R9, - R10 3 K C1, - C2 0.1uF, electrolyte C3,- C5,C6 10uF, electrolyte C4 - 1uF, electrolyte Q1 - 2N222A Q2 - TIP41 Q3 - TIP41 Q4 - TIP147, PNP D1, - D2 1N4007 Dual Supply -  +/-30V

Car Subwoofer