The aim of this article demonstrate how the Arduino can run on 7-segment display. We used a SA56-11GWA which is a single display with common anode, it means that the anode is common to all digits, and to the point. A display consists of 8 LEDs, 7 form the figure and 1 point decimal.A conversion between decimal and what we intend to show the binary information that you receive is called the BCD (Binary Coded Decimal). In terms of hardware, each LED work individually, so each of the segments has to lead a limiting resistor, in this case, each digit has an operating voltage of 2.2V and consumes 20mA. If the voltage is 5volts, we need the resistor fall 5-2.2 = 3.8V, by Ohm's Law we can calculate, R = V res / I led R = 3.8 / 0.020 = 190 Ω +/- 20% (let's use a resistor with 220Ω). This applies to this display SA56-11GWA used as an example, other values ​​may be different, it is useful to calculate the required resistance value. Decimal T...
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