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10 Watt car radio audio amplifier

General Description: The TDA 2003 hasimproved performancewith the  same pin configuration as the TDA 2002.  The additional features of TDA 2002, very low  numberof externalcomponents,ease of assembly,  space and cost saving, are maintained.  Thedeviceprovidesa high outputcurrentcapability  (up to 3.5A) very low harmonic and cross-over  distortion.  Completely safe operation is guaranteed due to  protectionagainst DCand ACshort circuit between  all pins and ground,thermal over-range,load dump  voltage surge up to 40V and fortuitous open  ground. Circuit Diagram: Circuit diagram for 10 Watt car radio audio amplifier Datasheet for TDA2003:   Download


DESCRIPTION: The TDA 2003 hasimproved performancewith the same pin configuration as the TDA 2002. The additional features of TDA 2002, very low numberof externalcomponents,ease of assembly, space and cost saving, are maintained. Thedeviceprovidesa high outputcurrentcapability (up to 3.5A) very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. Completely safe operation is guaranteed due to protectionagainst DCand ACshort circuit between all pins and ground,thermal over-range,load dump voltage surge up to 40V and fortuitous open ground. Circuit diagram: Circuit diagram 10W CAR RADIO AUDIO AMPLIFIER