TDA1562Q g eneral description: Philips designers have further improved a number of properties of the IC, among which the power output. According to the Philips datasheet, the improved device, the TDA1562Q, can deliver 70 watts into 4 ohms, but that is at the cost of the distortion, which at 10 per cent is rather too high, even for in a car. The prototype of the design described in this article provides 54 watts into 4 ohms at 1 per cent distortion. Since the number of requisite external components is smaller than in the case of the earlier device, the printed-circuit board is even more compact than that for the February 1995 amplifier. TDA1562Q features : Low power dissipation during reproduction of music signals Proof against short-circuits Protection against excessive temperatures Standby switch No power-on or power-off clicks Visible error indication Measurement results (at Ub =14.4 V) Supply voltage 8–18 V Sensitivity 760 mV r.m...
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