Automated system through design allows you to create professional electrical wiring diagrams, design printed circuit boards for them and prepare for the production of output. KiCad program is written in C + +. It consists of the following: 1. main applications: • Project manager kicad, allowing you to create and configure new works; • electrical circuits eeschema editor for drawing and komponirovaniya schemes, including the editor of characters; • PCB editor pcbnew, forming electric circuits and circuit comprising editor seats 2. additional utilities: • file viewer format Gerber - gerbview; • a program to identify seats according to the components on the circuit - cvpcb; • Editor view reports wyoeditor. Furthermore KiCad includes a plurality of libraries of electronic components for which there is formed a three-dimensional model Wings3D program. Editor allows you to create eeschema are multiple hierarchical schemes and carry them tested for complian...
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