TDA1015 g eneral description: The TDA1015 is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier circuit in a 9-lead single in-line (SIL) plastic package. The device is especially designed for portable radio and recorder applications and delivers up to 4 W in a 4Ω load impedance. The very low applicable supply voltage of 3,6 V permits 6 V spplications. TDA1015 features : single in-line (SIL) construction for easy mounting separated preamplifier and power amplifier high output power thermal protection high input impedance low current drain limited noise behaviour at radio frequencies TDA1015 reference data : Supply voltage range VP 3,6 to 18 V Peak output current IOM max. 2,5 A Output power at dtot= 10% VP = 12 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 4,2 W VP = 9 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 2,3 W VP = 6 V; RL = 4 Ω Po typ. 1,0 W Total harmonic distortion at Po = 1 W; RL = 4 Ω dtot typ. 0,3 % Input impedance preamplifier (pin 8) |Zi | > 100 kΩ...
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