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Showing posts with the label TA8210AH Amplifier

TDA7375 Audio Amplifier 2x35W

TDA7375 g eneral description: Circuit of quadruple audio amplifier using integrated circuit TDA7235 for systems surround. Circuit of quadruple amplifier for systems surround using the ci tda7375, for potency of 7 watts for channel in the version amplifying quad or 15 watts in the dual version (stereo). could arrive to 35 watts in the version.TDA7235 is a circuit integrated amplifier quadruple audio amplifier class AB capable to work in double bridge or simple quadruple amplifiers, circuit integrated with protection system of short, it requests the minimum of external components, available in multiwat 15H (TDA7375H) and multiwat 15V (TDA7375V). Although the first conception went to automotives pplications , to give him/it in a great variety of applications of low potency. That integrated circuit is ideal in the situation in that is wanted a reasonable potency and with a Power tension relatively low for your operation. That circuit drawn below it uses the basic configuration of qu...

TA8210AH Audio Amplifier 2x22W

TA8210AH general description:      It's amizing circuit work beautiful. Is desination for audio amplification, for car. This is a circuit of 2 x 22 watt BTL amplifier using IC TA8210AH. It is not only an auto amplifier, ideal for a low-frequency auditory approach those hi-fi, with a very good linear feature. Can be fueled by a 12 volt car battery but shi from a 12 volt charger. The chip incorporates four bridge amplifiers available in two by two in order to ensure the output 22 watts per channel on 4 ohms.  TA8210AH Audio Amplifier 2x22W TA8210AH features: Peak supply voltage (0.2s): 50 V supply voltage VCC (DC): 25 V Op erating supply voltage VCC (opr): 18 V Output current (peak): 9 A Power dissipation PD: 50 W Operating temperature: 30~85 °C Storage temperature: 55~150 °C TA8210AH circuit diagram: TA8210AH Audio Amplifier 2x22W TA8210AH layout: Layout TA8210AH Audio Amplifier 2x22W PCB TA8210AH Au...