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General Description The TDA 2050 is a monolithic integrated circuit in  Pentawatt package, intended for use as an audio  class AB audio amplifier. Thanks to its high power  capability the TDA2050 is able to provide up to 3 5W true rms power into 4 ohm load @ THD = 10%, VS = ±18V, f = 1KHz and up to 32W into  8ohm load @ THD = 10%, VS = ±22V, f = 1KHz.  Moreover, the TDA 2050 delivers typically 50W  music power into 4 ohm load over 1 sec at VS= 22.5V, f = 1KHz Circuit Diagram: Circuit diagram for 32W Hi-Fi AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER

32W Subwoofer Amplifier

Circuit diagram for 32W subwoofer amplifier 1- Operational amplifier TDA2050 which is used in the main amplifier circuit 2- TDA1524 which is used in the pre-amplifier of the circuit. 3- I used the split DC power ±22V as an external supply. The main advantage of the split supply over the single supply is that it is filtered from both sides (+) and (-) terminals and has the proper grounding system which are caused to decrease the output noise of amplifier but u can use single supply too.