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General Description: The TDA1908 is a monolithic integrated circuit in  12 lead quad in-line plastic package intended for  low frequency power applications.The mounting is  compatible with the old types TBA800, TBA810S,  TCA830S and TCA940N. Its main features are: Features: flexibility in use with a max output curent of 3A  and an operating supply voltage range of 4V to  30V; protection against chip overtemperature; soft limiting in saturation conditions; low ”switch-on” noise; low number of external components; high supply voltage rejection; Circuit Diagram 8W AUDIO AMPLIFIER TDA1908

LM2002 8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier

LM2002 8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier


Features: WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE 8W @ VS=26V, RL = 8Ω, THD=10% MUTE FACILITY (POP FREE) WITH LOW CONSUMPTION AC SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION (150°C) DESCRIPTION The TDA7253 is class AB audio power amplifier  assembled in the new Clipwatt package. Circuit Diagram: Circuit Diagram for 8W AMPLIFIER WITH MUTING


General Description The TDA7497S is a triple 8+8+15W class AB poweramplifier assembled in the @ Multiwatt 15 package, specially designed for high quality sound, TV app.  Features 8+8W (RL = 8Ω) + 15W ( RL = 4Ω) OUTPUT POWER @THD = 10%, Vcc = 25V INDEPENDENT MUTE FOR CENTER  CHANNEL AND MAIN CHANNELS NO TURN-ON TURN-OFF POP NOISE NO BOUCHEROT CELL SINGLE SUPPLY RANGING UP TO 35V SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION INTERNALLY FIXED GAIN  SOFT CLIPPING MULTIWATT 15 PACKAGE Circuit Diagram: 8W+8W+15W TRIPLE AMPLIFIER PCB layout: pcb layout TRIPLE AMPLIFIER Data sheet for TDA7497S:   Download