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Showing posts with the label audio panoramic interface

Mono audio panoramic interference

The circuit spectator interference enables implantation mono sound at any point between stereo speakers. When P1 is in the middle of his journey, there is strengthening or weakening of the mark the entrance to the exit in any of the two channels. When the potentiometer placed elsewhere, away from halfway, the signal in one channel is supported 3dB more than the other. The input stage is a buffer (IC1). Inverts the input signal to ensure compliance with this phase of the output (Next steps' and reverse them the signal they receive to entry). The resistance value entry identifies to that of R 1 (1 A KO). The output buffer is driven in stereo amplifiers IC2 and IC3. The potentiometer P1, in conjunction with the A3, R4, R8, and A9, affects the routes of feedback and two boosters. This result in any adjustment of P1 to make the opposite metavoles enischysi the two opamps. The series resistors A7 and A12 provide the possibility of output lead capacitive loads. Capacitors coupling C3...