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Power stage 2 x 15 to 25 W class-D

FEATURES: High efficiency (> 94 %) Operating voltage from ±7.5 V to ±30 V Very low quiescent current High output power Diagnostic output Usable as a stereo Single-Ended (SE) amplifier Electrostatic discharge protection (pin to pin) No heatsink required. APPLICATIONS: Television sets Home-sound sets Multimedia systems All mains fed audio systems. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The TDA8925 is a switching power stage for a high  efficiency class-D audio power amplifier system.  With this power stage a compact 2 × 15 W self oscillating  digital amplifier system can be built, operating with high  efficiency and very low dissipation. No heatsink is  required. The system operates over a wide supply voltage  range from ±7.5 V up to ±30 V and consumes a very low  quiescent current. Circuit Diagram: Circuit diagram for Power stage 2 x 15 to 25 W class-D