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Three Channel Audio Mixer

General Description: Above schematic is for a three channel audio mixer. That will provide an overall gain of one between the output and each input channel. Each input channel includes a single 0.1uf capacitor and 100-Kilohms resistor to provide an output impedance of 100K. The number of input channels to this audio mixer can be increased by adding more capacitors and resistors with same value as capacitor(0.1uf) and resistor(100K). The mixer should be located between the output of tone control circuitry and the input to the power amplifier. One input should be taken from the output of the tone control circuit, and the other inputs should either be grounded or taken from desired source. Circuit diagram: Three Channel Audio Mixer circuit diagram

Audio Mixer

General Description: A new audio mixer circuit uses an LM3900 IC but is not a profesional audio dj mixer. The IC houses four integrated Norton amplifiers. The advantage of using the four op amps is that they only need a single power supply. Since this amplifier circuit is current controlled, the DC bias is dependent on the feedback coupling.The schematic diagram shows inverting AC-Norton amplifiers. The DC output must be set at 50 percent of the power supply. In this case, a maximum output can be achieved without distortion (also called symmetrical limitation through overdrive).In designing this mini audio mixer circuit diagram you can freely choose the value of the resistor R2 (100k in the mixer schematic). Set the AC voltage amplification factor through the ration of R2/R1. To set the amplifier gain correctly, choose the value of R4=2R2 (double the value of R2).Diagram 1.0 shows the 3-channel sound mixer circuit using three Norton-opamps. The input levels can be set by potentiomet...

4 Channel Audio Mixer Circuit Diagram

A 4 channel audio mixer that requires very few electronic components can be built using this electronic scheme based on SSM2024 chip. To obtain a small offset and a high rejection, the four inputs of the 4 channel audio mixer circuit must have an impedance of 200 ohms to the ground. These impedances are resistances obtained with R5-R8, which are part of the voltage divider at each input. With values of the components from this scheme nominal input signal is 1 V (0 dBV). At this level, distortions are about 1%, and at lower levels do not exceed 0.3%. Maximum amplification is obtained for a control current of 500 uA, in which case the input control voltage is slightly increased to 0.5 V (result we need a maximum control voltage of 5.5 V). The amplifier output currents are summed by simply connecting the output pins. The signal / noise of the mixer is about 90 dB and the bandwidth of the order of 130 kHz. SSM2024 integrative work satisfactorily with a supply voltage between 9 V an...

Mixed connection to combined acoustic amplifiers

Amplifier these recorder can be used in two ways - as a two-channel bridge with a maximum power of 2x25 W or as with a conventional four-load connection and "virtual ground". Power in this case is 4h7Vt. The most famous member of this family - Sony 1253/1853. To work with a subwoofer also need to use a dual-channel configuration. Fig.1. Selecting the connection type, as in the previous case, be subject to the sensitivity of heads. A variant for capacitors C1, C2 act as HPF. They may be waived if the application heads provide undistorted reproduction of lower frequencies. Branch constant component produced internal capacitors radio. However, for option B necessarily the presence of two high-pass and low-pass filter for the stereo for the total channel. Their mission - to eliminate the parallel operation of heads at low frequencies. Since the impedance at low frequencies is almost equal to their heads DC resistance, lack of filters can lead to overload the amplifie...

Mixed connection acoustics bi-amplifier and the output fader

     In the operation is still a lot of these "dinosaurs" of the mid 90s. A characteristic feature of built-in amplifiers such devices - they are designed for load 2 ohms and have a good supply of power. This is due to the fact that in the middle position fader front and surround speakers are connected in parallel. However, to use them in conjunction with acoustic component is impossible. The reason is simple - the introduction of the fader increases the output impedance of the amplifier, which leads to a change in crossover. Therefore, the only option enhancers such devices with modern acoustics - dual channel configuration, with the fader excluded from work.      In this version, you can add a subwoofer to include it in a "mixed-mono". Since the relationship between the levels regulate front speaker and subwoofer impossible, depending on the sensitivity applied to select one of the heads of connectivity options.      Option ...

Mixed acoustic connection to an amplifier with two bridge output channels

Consider the circuit connection to the AC amplifier with two bridge output channels. Dynamic head BA1, BA2 speakers form the left and right stereo channels. They are shown conventionally broadband. Low-frequency head BA3 is connected between the output of the amplifier left and right channels, the signals are summed and head reproduces a mono signal. This connection will be sure to have two high-pass and low-pass filter for the stereo for the total channel. Their mission - to eliminate the parallel operation and overload amplifier heads. Usually used for stereo first order filters (C1, C2), for the total - the second (C3L1) or third.Their payment is made in the usual way. Crossover frequency of the LPF and the order chosen in the range 80 ... 200 Hz, depending on the location of the low-frequency head. If it is placed in the rear compartment, the crossover frequency should be selected as low as possible, and the order - up to avoid reproducing the subwoofer "voice" ...