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Showing posts with the label FM Transmitter

DIY Micromitter Stereo FM Transmitter

This new stereo FM Micromitter is capable of broadcasting good quality signals over a range of about 20 metres. It`s ideal for broadcasting music from a CD player or from any other source so that it can be picked up in another location. For example, if you don`t have a CD player in you car, you can use the Micromitter to broadcast signals from a p visit page. DIY Micromitter Stereo FM Transmitter

PLL Stereo FM Transmitter

The circuit shown here is of a good Stereo FM transmitter that can transmit high quality signals up to a range of 70 feet. The circuit is based on BH1417 PLL stereo transmitter IC from Rhom semiconductors. The IC has separate audio processing sections for the left and right channels, pre emphasis circuit for improving signal to noise ratio, crystal control circuitry for accurate frequency locking, multiplex circuit for making sum ( left plus right) and difference ( left minus right) {see this article for better understanding Stereo decoder circuit} etc. Another important feature of this IC is that the transmission frequency can be set using a 4 channel DIP switch. The IC can be powered from anything between 4 to 6V DC and has an output power around 20mW. At full output power the circuit consumes only 20mA and has a channel separation... visit page.  via PLL Stereo FM Transmitter