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So amplifiercircuit will try to do a definition of speakers, are one of the most common output devices used with computer systems. Speakers are transducers that convert electromagnetic waves into sound waves. The speakers receive audio input from a device such as a computer or an audio receiver. This input may be either in analog or digital form. Analog speakers simply amplify the analog electromagnetic waves into sound waves. Since sound waves are produced in analog form, digital speakers must first convert the digital input to an analog signal, then generate the sound waves. The sound produced by speakers is defined by frequency and amplitude. The frequency determines how high or low the pitch of the sound is. For example, a soprano singer's voice produces high frequency sound waves, while a bass guitar or kick drum generates sounds in the low frequency range. Many speakers include multiple speaker cones for different frequency ranges, which helps produce more accurate sounds...

250 W Stereo Audio Amplifier Class-T

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The TA0103A is a 250W continuous average (4Ω ), two channel Amplifier Driver Module which uses Tripath’s proprietary Digital Power Processing (DPPT M ) technology. Class-T amplifiers offer bot h the audio fidelity of Class-AB and the power efficiency of Class-D amplifiers.  Applications: Audio/Video  Amplifiers/Receivers  Pro-audio Amplifiers  Automobile Power Amplifiers  Subwoofer Amplifiers  Home/PC Speaker Systems Circuit Amplifier: 250 W Stereo Audio Amplifier Class-T

Satellite + Subwoofer 3-Speaker System Electronics Crossover IC

CMOS Technology  Low Power Consumption  2 Built-in Individual Volume Control: 0 dB to -60dB  2-Channel 2nd Order High Pass Filter + 1 Mixed Mono Subwoofer Low Pass Filter  Cross-Over Frequency adjustable by external passive components  Control Interface of Volume Control: UP/DOWN Key (MCU is not necessary)  Built-in 3D Effect and Loudness Function  Supply Voltage: 5V to 9V Satellite + Subwoofer 3-Speaker System Electronics Crossover IC

Speaker indicator

With this indicator you can see how much power an amplifier delivers. The circuit uses a LM 3915, the logarithmic variation of the known LED VU meter IC LM 3914. The circuit is connected directly to the speaker output of the amplifier, and the power state of 0.2 watts to 100 watts. The sensitivity of the circuit can be varied with R1. The basic settings are shown in the table.   R1 = 10 k (see text) R2 = 10 k R3 = 390 Ω R4 = 2.7 K? C1 = 22 V μF/25 LED1-LED10 = LED (color of choice) IC1 = LM 3915

Subwoofer Amplifier 40W

Description This amplifier delivers massive power and uses one IC and two power transistors. The circuit consists of an amplifier IC (a TDA 2030A) and a power stage consists of two transistors.  Amplifier can be powered with an asymmetrical supply voltage of 12 to 44 V. Circuit Diagram: Subwoofer Amplifier 40W Part-list: R1-R3, R7 = 100 K? R6 = 8,2 kW R4, R5, R8, R9 = 1.40 Ω 1% R10 = 1 Ω C1 = 470 nF C2 = 10 V μF/63 C3 = 4.7 V μF/63 C4, C5, C7 = 220 nF C6 = 2200 V μF/50 C8 = 1000 V μF/50 D1, D2 = 1N4001 T1 = BD712 or BD912 T2 = BD711 or BD911 IC1 = TDA2030A LS = speaker - 4/8 Ω Cooling = Fisher SK08/75

Crowbar Speaker Protection

Description Crowbar circuits are so-called because their operation is the equivalent of dropping a crowbar (large steel digging implement) across the terminals. It is only ever used as a last resort, and can only be used where the attached circuit is properly fused or incorporates other protective measures. A crowbar circuit is potentially destructive - if the circuitry only has a minor fault, it will be a major fault by the time a crowbar has done its job. It is not uncommon for the crowbar circuit to be destroyed as well - the purpose is to protect the device(s) attached to the circuit - in this case, a loudspeaker. There's really nothing to it. A resistor / capacitor circuit isolates the trigger circuit from normal AC signals. Should there be enough DC to activate the DIAC trigger, the cap is discharged into the gate of the TRIAC, which instantly turns on ... hard. A TRIAC has two basic states, on and off. The in-between state exists, but is so fast that it can...

FAQ on the speakers and subwoofer

Introduction Recently could hear a lot of questions about speakers and subwoofers. The vast majority of responses can be found on the first three pages of any book written by professionals. Material is addressed primarily to beginners, lazy ;) and rural Homebrew, prepared on the basis of books I.A.Aldoschinoy, V.K.Ioffe partly Ephrussi, journal publications in Wireless Worrld, AM and (some) personal experience. NOT used information from the Internet and Fidonet. The material is in no way purport to lighting problems, and is an attempt to explain the basics of acoustics on the fingers. Most often, the question goes something like this: "the speaker found that to do with it?" Or "tovarischch and say such subwoofers are>." Here we consider only one solution to this problem: For existing dynamics to make a box, with the optimal settings for HCH as possible. This option differs from the task factory designer-pull system to lower the frequency of the requir...

UM protection unit and acoustics overcurrent

It is based in protection circuit Audio Analogue Aida - from the site of its designer Federico Paoletti . I developed it a little bit and used in his new mobile amplifier - also borrowing from Paoletti. The scheme is applicable to any PA whose output - compound emitter follower (2 stages or more, or a Darlington Naturally - silicon, or a cascade of CMOS). In the original scheme in the traditional circuit protection (voltage drop across the emitter resistor opens key bypass transition BE composite output transistor) added two optocoupler (circuit shunt base for the upper and lower arm). Current drawn from the shunt base flows through the LED of optocoupler and opens galvanically isolated key. Fine, but the same node can not just arbitrarily turn off power, but doing it on the pitch outside. Need another pair of optocouplers, shunt BE transitions output transistors: Threshold set divider R1-R2 based on the current limit for each transistor and the emitter resistance in the ...

Protection device speakers

In life, frequent situations where, for whatever reason speakers connected to an audio amplifier, the power of which exceeds the maximum allowed for a system that, on the one hand, often produce the best sound quality, increase the dynamic range, with another - increases the risk of damage due to overload dynamic heads. This is especially true when using the speaker on school, student, youth parties, where the acoustics are often connected to the first that fell known good amplifier that is "powerful." To prevent damage to the speakers when applying for her power, exceeding the nominal, it is necessary to equip the unit overload protection, built-in speakers and requires no additional power supply. Schematic diagram of such a device designed to protect the AC power 10 ... 35 W is shown in below Protection device speakers circuits Also in case of overload tripping SS, this device also protects it from damage by the dynamic head in the event of failure of the ...