GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TDA2075A is a two-channel, amplifier driver, that uses Tripath’s proprietary Digital Power Processing (DPPTM) technology. The TDA2075A offers higher integration over previous Tripath amplifiers driver chipsets while providing exceptional audio performance for real world applications. Class-T amplifiers offer both the audio fidelity of Class-AB and the power efficiency of Class-D amplifiers. The TDA2075A is typically configured as a split-supply, single-ended, stereo amplifier. The TDA2075A can also be configured single-supply, single-ended, stereo amplifier, via external component choice. For applications that require bridged output drive, please refer to the TDA1400. Applications Powered DVD Players Mini-Compo Systems Audio/Video Amplifiers & Receivers Multimedia Speakers Benefits Reduced system cost with smaller/less expensive power supply ...
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