General description: All resistors are standard metal film 250mW except: R1/3/4/7, these are 2W metal film, and the 0.22ohm beeing 5W. Around R7 is wounded a 0.6mm isolated (enamelled) copper wire forming the output coil. (~12 windings) For c19 i used 470uf/16v, all other electrolytics 63v. The 10/100/330pF should be mica-caps. The 100nf and 47nf is recommended to be Wima MKS2 (or better), also for C1 i suggest Wima MKS2, 4.7uf is enough. For Trimpot i use a Piher. The MPSA18 can be substituted by BC550C, for all other parts i do not recommend changes, especially the feedback network (r29/30) should be kept unchanged, feedback compensation is very delicate for this circuit ! Be careful when substituting the MPSA18 with BC550C, the pinout is reversed between these 2 transistors !!! The bias is adjusted via the trimpot (R22). Recommended bias is 55ma, resulting in 12mv across a single 0.22ohms or 24mv across both 0.22ohms. Connect a DMM to the upper wires of these resisto...
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