Bandpass Dual Chamber Basic Theory: The front and rear of the driver are mounted in separate enclosures and tuned to specific calculated values. Resultant output is suppose to be better than any of the other designs mentioned previously. Bose owns the rights to the exact details behind this design. They explain the theory like this, "The low-frequency speaker drivers are located between separate acoustic compression chambers inside a patented Bose Acoustimass module. As each speaker cone moves, it excites air in the chambers. Trapped in the chamber, this air acts as an acoustic spring, which interacts with the air in the port to produce more low-frequency sound with less power. The system is more efficient and requires less cone motion, which in turn produces less distortion. In the event that any otherwise audible distortion is produced, the patented design traps it inside the acoustic chambers -- so it never enters the room. The result is an Acoustimass module with no ...
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