TDA7560 g eneral description: TDA7560 is a 4 x 45W QUAD BRIDGE car audio amplifier plus HSD. The TDA7560’s inputs are ground-compatible and can stand very high input signals (± 8Vpk) without any performances degradation. If the standard value for the input capacitors (0.1mF) is adopted, the low frequency cut-off will amount to 16 Hz. The TDA7560 is a breakthrough BCD (Bipolar / CMOS / DMOS) technology class AB Audio Power Amplifierin Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high power car radio. The fully complementary P-Channel/N-Channel output structure allows a rail to rail output voltage swing which, combined with high output current and minimised saturation losses sets new power references in the car-radio field, with unparalleled distortion performances. TDA7560 features : 4 x 50W/4W MAX. 4 x 45W/4W EIAJ 4 x 30W/4W @ 14.4V, 1KHz, 10% 4 x 80W/2W MAX. 4 x 77W/2W EIAJ 4 x 55W/2W @ 14.4V, 1KHz, 10% EXCELLENT 2W DRIVING CAPABILITY HI-FI CLASS DISTORTION ...
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