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Showing posts with the label Audio Filter Circuits

Audio Filter Analyzer

When this circuit is connected to a filter and an oscilloscope, the scope displays the filter`s frequency response. Afrequency that sweeps from low to high is applied to a filter. An oscilloscope is triggered by* the start of the sweep and ends its trace at the highest frequency of the sweep. The filter output goes to the vertical amplifier of the oscilloscope. Using bandpass filters as an example, as the bandpass frequency is approached, reached, and passed, the scope follows the peaking output and draws the response curve. A neat effect! The 566 VCO (Ul) produces a VLF triangle wave to frequency modulate the next stage. It also produces a square wave to externally trigger the scope. Op amp U2 (a 741 unit) optimizes the amplitude and the dc component. Another VCO (U3) produces the actual sweeping triangle wave. Its frequency is selectable via SI. Op amp U4 (another 741 op amp) is set up as a bandpass filter and has been included as an example filter. Finally, diode D1 chops off the b...

Audio Filter Circuits

The circuit as shown gives the bandpass operation the transfer function calculated from FBP(s) = where = 1 + s/Qo>0 + s2/w02. The cut-off frequency, 0, and the Q-factor are given by 0 = g/C and Q = gR/2 where g is the transconductance at room temperature. Interchanging the capacitor C with the resistor R at the input of the circuit high-pass operation is obtained. A low-pass filter is obtained by applying two parallel connections ctf R and C as shown in Fig. 2. The low-pass operation may be much improved with the circuit as given in Fig. 3. Audio Filter Circuits Here the gain and Q may be set up separately with respect to the cut-off frequency according to the equations Q = 1/fB = 1 + R2/R!, A = Q2 and 0 = g ffi/C.