TDA7594 general description: The Type IC TDA7294 from SGS-Thomson is an integrated a.f. amplifier intended for use in all sorts of hi-f application. According to the manufacturer's data sheets, chip can deliver outputs of up to 100 watt. Considering other properties, such as low noise, low distortion and reliable short-circuit and thermal protection circuits as well, the chip is indeed an interesting one. Moreover, with peak supply voltages of ±40 V and a load impedance of 4 ohm, the maximum dissipation of the IC TDA7294 will easily be exceeded. For these reasons, the supply in the present amplifier has been kept down to a safe ±30 V. At these voltages, the chip delivers, without any difficulty, 50 W into an 8 ohm load and 80 W into a 4 ohm load. These are still very respectable figures, particularly in view of the reasonable IC price. The circuit diagram of the amplifier in shows that the IC TDA7294 needs only a small number of external components. The input ...
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