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LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W

LX1720  g eneral description: The LX1720 controller IC contains the necessary functions to implement a stereo Class-D audio amplifier. A Class-D amplifier is a "switching" amplifier that converts a low-level, analog, audio input signal into a highpower, pulse-width modulated (PWM) output. The switching frequency is much higher than the audio band which allows high frequency out-of-band components to be removed with a simple LC filter. The LX1720 generates a PWM output by controlling external MOSFET's connected in a full-bridge configuration. Because the MOSFET's are either full "on" or full "off", their power dissipation is minimal allowing maximum power to be delivered to the speaker. LX1720 Circuit: LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W