Simple but at the same time very efficient software package for designing and manual PCB layout small and medium difficulty. The program is very popular among Russian radio amateurs. The main advantage of Sprint-Layout is a user-friendly interface, which includes only the necessary tools to prepare PCB size 300 x 300 mm. The program allows you to work with two layers (conductors and labeling) for each side of the board. Additional features - solder mask layer metallization, SMD-mask. Built tracer only helps raise guides, and is not automatic. In recharged library contains the most common electronic components. In Sprint-Layout implemented the ability to export your work in popular formats Excellon and Gerber, as well as create a HPGL file for finishing PCB on software-controlled milling machine. Package widely used to manufacture boards LUT method . Program is unlikely to suit professionals, as its scope is limited by small boa...
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