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3-channel 80 Watt audio amplifier circuit diagram

3-channel 80 Watt audio amplifier circuit diagram

80W Operational Amplifier

General Description: The LM12 is a power op amp capable of driving g25V at g10A while operating from g30V supplies. The monolithic IC can deliver 80W of sine wave power into a 4X load with 0.01% distortion. Power bandwidth is 60 kHz. Further, a peak dissipation capability of 800W allows it to handle reactive loads such as transducers, actuators or small motors without derating. The IC delivers g10A output current at any output voltage yet is completely protected against overloads, including shorts to the supplies. The dynamic safe-area protection is provided by instantaneous peak-temperature limiting within the power transistor array The turn-on characteristics are controlled by keeping the output open-circuited until the total supply voltage reaches 14V. The output is also opened as the case temperature exceeds 150§C or as the supply voltage approaches the BVCEO of the output transistors. The IC withstands...

80W Subwoofer Amplifier TDA7295

General Description  Subwoofer Amplifier TDA7295 : The 80W Subwoofer Amplifier TDA7295 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Multiwatt15 package, intended for use as audio class AB amplifier in Hi-Fi field applications (Home Sterio, self powered loudspeakers, Top-class TV). Thanks to the wide voltage range and to the high uot current capability it is able to suply the highest power into both 4 Ohm and 8 Ohm loads even in presence of poor supply regulation, with high Supply Voltage Rejection. The Built in muting function with turn on delay simplifies the remote opeeration avoiding switching on-off noises. Features of TDA7295: Very high operating voltage range (+-40V) Dmos Power Stage Very low distortion Very low noise Circuit diagram for TDA7295: 80W Subwoofer Amplifier TDA7295 Layout and pcb for TDA7295: TDA7295 pcb layout Datasheet for TDA7295:   Download