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Showing posts from 2015

100W Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit

100W Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit Design Audio Filter Design: Here we designed a Sallen Key low pass filter using OPAMP LM7332. The cut off frequency was assumed to be 200Hz and the Quality factor is assumed to be 0.707.  Also assuming the number of poles to be equal to 1 and value of C1 to be equal to 0.1uF, value of C2 can be calculated to be 0.1uF.  Assuming R1 and R2 to be same, the value can be found by substituting known values in the equation R1 = R2 = Q/(2*pi*fc*C2) This gives a value of 5.6K for each resistor. Here we select 6K resistors as R1 and R2. Since we want a closed loop gain filter, we do not require resistors at the non inverting terminal, which is shorted to the output terminal. Pre Amplifier Design: The preamplifier is based on class A operation of transistor 2N222A.  Since the required output power is 100W and load resistor is 4 Ohms, here we require a supply voltage of 30V.  Assuming the collector q...

How to match subwoofers and amplifiers

The secret to great bass is making sure your subwoofers and amp are evenly matched and will properly work together. And this article will help you figure out how to do just that — match amplifiers and subwoofers. We cover the important basics of power-matching, impedance, and planning for the number of subs you want, and we approach the situation from both sides of the system: Part A : You have the subs, which amp should you get? Part B : You have the amp, which subs should you get? Start with either part you want, but they're both worth a read. Part A You have the subs, which amp should you get? The subs need to be the same Multiple subs wired together must be the same coil type and impedance. If they’re not, the power won’t divide evenly between them, and some subs would probably be over-powered while others get under-powered. If you want to run different types of subs in a system, each type needs to have its own separate amp. Step 1: How much power? Find out th...

200 Watts Amplifier Circuit

200 Watts Amplifier Circuit connecting two TDA2030 thru cheap power transistors we can create a amplifier wich can deliver a higher power. With the components value from the schematic the total amplifier gain is 32 dB. The speaker can be 2 ohm instead of 4 ohm if we use the TIP transistors. TDA 2030 is produced by SGS Ates and is a complete audio amplifier. AB class of the final amplifier cand deliver up to 14W on 4 ohm at a +-14V power supply. With a proper designed power supply this audio amplifier can output 200W. Active components: IC1, Ic2 TDA 2030 T1, T3 = BD 250, TIP 36 T2,T4 = BD 249, TIP 35 D1 … D4 = 1N4001

Portable Mphone Preamplifier Circuit Schematic

Portable Mphone Preamplifier Circuit Schematic The circuit is based on a low noise, high gain two stage PNP and NPN transistor amplifier, using DC negative feedback through R6 to stabilize the working conditions quite precisely. Output level is attenuated by P1 but, at the same time, the stage gain is lowered due to the increased value of R5. This unusual connection of P1, helps in obtaining a high headroom input, allowing to cope with a wide range of input sources (0.2 to 200mV RMS for 1V RMS output). This circuit is mainly intended to provide common home stereo amplifiers with a microphone input. The battery supply is a good compromise: in this manner the input circuit is free from mains low frequency hum pick-up and connection to the amplifier is more simple, due to the absence of mains cable and power supply. Using a stereo microphone the circuit must be doubled. In this case, two separate level controls are better than a dual-ganged stereo potentiometer. Low current drawing (a...

200W Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram

200W Audio Amplifier Circuit Diagram  This audio amplifier circuit delivers up to 200 W of top-class quality for loudspeaker from 4 to 16 ohm. Operating voltage is between 24 and 36 V, max 5 A. The frequency response is from 20 to 20000 Hz. Please take special care that the transistors and the IC’s have been fixed firmly and solely one or two separated cooling elements with sufficient dimensions for this purpose (thermal resistance < 1K/W). Doing so it is necessary to mount the transistors and the IC’s insulated ( with mica washes and plastic nipple ). Please make sure before first operation that the transistors and the IC’s really do not have any electrical connection towards the cooling plate! The transistors have to be placed plane and firmly onto the cooling element! It is of extraordinary importance with this high-power amplifier that there is a considerable heat dissipation. The already mounted cooling element should be situated in a well ventilated case. The PSU...

18W Class-B Audio Amplifier with Tone Controls

18W Class-B Audio Amplifier with Tone Controls 18W Class-B Audio Amplifier with Tone Controls General Description for  18W Class-B Audio Amplifier with Tone Controls The particular circuit configuration, allowed to push the NE5534 exceptional capacity of driving the output transistors near to its limits, enabling the whole amplifier to deliver relatively high power outputs without problems. Despite the complication added by the tone controls, the amplifier has an input sensitivity of 130mV RMS, allowing to connect directly to its input the most disparate audio sources without the need for a separate preamplifier. For this reason, it was possible to obtain 18W into an 8 Ohm load using a power supply voltage of +/- 20V. In order to satisfy repeated requests by correspondents, a medium power audio amplifier incorporating tone controls in the feedback path was finally designed.Total Harmonic Distortion figures are astonishingly low, much lower than comparable audio amplifiers u...

Perpetuum mobile STEAM ENGINE made of glass

Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC

Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC --------------------- Click "Show more" ------------------------------- My website and forum:- Donations and contributions:- My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - My Techie Amazon Store: My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - My VBlogMag Amazon Store: ---------------------------------------- ­------------------------------- Nikola Tesla - Thomas Edison - In this tutorial I cover the following: * Some history about electricity / central power stations / electrification.  * Science of electron flow in a c...

Power Amplifier with voltage regulator 4 × 50 Watt TDA8588

Power Amplifier with voltage regulator 4 × 50 Watt TDA8588    The TDA8588 is a multiple voltage regulator combined with four independent audio power amplifiers configured in bridge tied load with diagnostic capability. The output voltages of all regulators except regulators 2 and 3 can be controlled via the I2C-bus. However, regulator 3 can be set to 0 V via the I2C-bus. The output voltage of regulator 2 (microcontroller supply) and the maximum output voltage of regulator 3 (mechanical digital and microcontroller supplies) can both be either 5 V or 3.3 V depending on the type number. The maximum output voltages of both regulators are fixed to avoid any risk of damaging the microcontroller that may occur during a disturbance of the I 2C-bus. The amplifier diagnostic functions give information about output offset, load, or short-circuit. Diagnostic functions are controlled via the I2C-bus. The TDA8588 is protected against short-circuit, over-temperature, open ground and open ...