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Showing posts from 2019

Audio Noise Filter and Bandpass Filter for Audio Frequency Band

Audio Noise Filter and Bandpass Filter for Audio Frequency Band This audio noise filter circuit is a bandpass filter for audio frequency band. It filters unwanted signals that are lower or higher than the audio frequencies.  It has 2 filters: a low pass filter and a high pass filter in a cascade configuration.  Both filters are second-order filters with a 24 dB/octave fiter capability. The 3 dB cut-off freq. are 11.8 Hz and 10.7 kHz. Audio Noise Filter and Bandpass Filter for Audio Frequency Band The bandpass characteristic can be changed by changing the values of the capacitors and resistors. If you want to raise the bottom cut-off freq., you must reduce the values of C1 up to C4. For lowering the bottom cut-off freq. you must increase the values. If you want to reduce the top cut-off f you must raise the values of R5 up to R8 and decrease it in order to increase the top cut-off frequency. Noise Filter circuit diagram Audio Noise Filter Parts List R1 ...