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Showing posts from 2018

TDA7294 150 W Power Amplifier

TDA Amplifier Circuit stereo 150W The TDA8950 is a high-efficiency Class D audio power amplifier. The typical output power is 2 × 150 W with a speaker load impedance of 4 Ω. The TDA8950 is available in both HSOP24 and DBS23P power packages. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from ±12.5 V to ±40 V and features low quiescent current consumption. The TDA8950 is a two-channel audio power amplifier that uses Class D technology. For each channel, the audio input signal is converted into a digital PWM signal using an analog input stage and a PWM modulator. To drive the output power transistors, the digital PWM signal is fed to a control and handshake block and to highand low-side driver circuits. This level-shifts the low-power digital PWM signal from a logic level to a high-power PWM signal switching between the main supply lines. A 2nd-order low-pass filter converts the PWM signal to an analog audio signal that can be used to drive a loudspeaker. TDA Amplifier ...

Car subwoofer filter circuit

Circuit description: Here is the circuit diagram of a simple subwoofer filter that can be operated from a 12V DC supply. Such a circuit is very useful in automobile subwoofer applications. The circuit is nothing but a low pass filter whose pass frequency can be adjusted between 60 to 160 Hz. The circuit is designed around the TL072 dual BIFET opamp IC. Out of the two opamps inside the chip, IC1A is wired as a buffer. The left and right audio inputs after mixing is fed to the input of the IC1A using the DPDT switch S1. Switch S1 is the phase control switch which can be used to make the subwoofer in phase with other speakers. When S1 is in position 2, 180 degree phase shift will be induced.POT R7 can be used for controlling the level. IC1B forms the low pass filter whose pass frequency can be controlled by adjusting the dual gang POT R13. Circuit Features: The circuit can be powered from 12V DC. IC1 must be mounted on a holder. S1 is a DPDT switch. R13 should be a dual gang l...