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Showing posts from December, 2017

200W Audio Amplifier Circuit

Circuit description: Connecting two TDA2030 thru cheap power transistors we can create a amplifier wich can deliver a higher power. With the components value from the schematic the total amplifier gain is 32 dB. The speaker can be 2 ohm instead of 4 ohm if we use the TIP transistors. TDA 2030 is produced by SGS Ates and is a complete audio amplifier. AB class of the final amplifier cand deliver up to 14W on 4 ohm at a +-14V power supply. With a proper designed power supply this audio amplifier can output 200W. Circuit diagram: transistor audio amplifier circuit diagram Part list IC1, Ic2 TDA 2030 T1, T3 = BD 250, TIP 36 T2,T4 = BD 249, TIP 35 D1 … D4 = 1N4001 150 watt audio amplifier circuit 400w amplifier circuit diagram 200w stereo digital audio power amplifier 3055 transistor audio amplifier circuit 1000 watts amplifier circuit diagram 200 watt audio amplifier circuit diagram 4 transistor audio amplifier transistor audio amplifier circuit diagram

Subwoofer Circuit Diagram

Circuit Descrition The acoustic spectrum is extended by very low frequencies 20Iz and reaches as the 20000Iz in high frequencies. In the low frequencies is degraded the sense of direction. This reason us leads to the utilization speaker for the attribution of very low frequencies. The manufacture that to you we propose distinguishes these frequencies, in order to him we lead to the corresponding amplifier. The acoustic filters are met in various points in the sound systems. The knownest application they are the filters baxandal for regulating tone low and high frequencies and filters crossover where the acoustic region is separated in subareas, in order to it leads the corresponding loudspeakers. The application that to you we propose is a simple filter of region that limits the acoustic region (20-20000Hz) in the region 20-100Hz. With the manufacture that to you we propose you can make a active filter in order to you lead a loudspeaker of very low frequencies. With this you wi...

100W MOSFET power amplifier

Circuit Description: MOSFET power amplifier circuit based on IRFP240 and IRFP9240 MOSFETs is shown here. The amplifier operates from a +45/-45 V DC dual supply and can deliver 100 watt rms into an 8 ohm speaker and 160 watt rms into a 4 ohm speaker. This Hi-Fi amplifier circuit is suitable for a lot applications like general purpose amplifier, guitar amplifier, keyboard amplifier. The amplifier can be also used as a sub woofer amplifier but a subwoofer filter stage has to be added before the input stage. The amplifier has a low distortion of 0.1%, a damping factor greater than 200, input sensitivity of 1.2V and the bandwidth is from 4Hz to 4 KHz. Circuit Features: Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB. Use a +45/-45 V DC, 3A dual supply for powering the circuit. Power supply voltage must not exceed +55/-55 V DC. Before connecting the speaker, check the zero signal output voltage of the amplifier and in any case it should not be higher than 50mV. If it is higher than 5...

300W Subwoofer Power Amplifier

This is an amplifier circuit that is formed from a transistor amplifier miraculous. This circuit is used in the speaker subwoofer with 300W maximum power on each side. To apply it, can be used in the room that is not too large, like the car. And the voltage needed between 25 to 42 Volt DC. 300W Subwoofer Power Amplifier Searches related to 300W Subwoofer Power Amplifier 200w subwoofer amplifier circuit diagram subwoofer circuit diagram free download 300w subwoofer amplifier circuit diagram low pass subwoofer circuit diagram 12v subwoofer circuit diagram 500w audio amplifier circuit diagram pdf subwoofer circuit diagram pdf 500w power amplifier circuit diagram datasheet

Mosfet Amplifier Circuit for Subwoofer 400W

Power amp 400W IRFP448 Circuit Amplifier circuit today,We would like to show you for the MOSFET 400 watt amplifier is amplifier on my kW shares the same circuit and basic PCB layout. The only real difference is the number of output devices to the device. We have using The IRFP448 design while the MOSFET amplifier 14 O / P devices. These amplifiers can be used for virtually any application that requires high performance, low use Noise, distortion and excellent sound quality. Examples would be subwoofer amplifier should FOH stage Amplifiers, surround a canal a very powerful sound amplifier, etc. The 400W MOSFET-amplifier has four key stages of amplification. We are looking to start any Phase appropriate detail. The bias and buffer stage As the name suggests All Q ,C and ZD the Bias and buffer phases. Its main goal is to provide a stable MOSFET Gates and offset voltage and the voltage buffer amplifier stage of the High Resource capacity. What would have without the phase...

HIFI Headphone Amplifier Circuit Diagram

HIFI Headphone Amplifier Circuit Diagram This 1-watt amplifier leads itself par excellence for usa as driver for a low impedance headphone or as output stage in a hi-fi preamplifier driving an active loudspeaker. The schematic of this amplifier consists of an opamp type LF356 and a push-pull transistor output stage. Low-pass filter R1/C2 at the input limits the slew rateof the input signal. The fixed quiescent current of 30 mA draw by the output transistors, and set by diodes D1…D4 in conjuction with emitter resistors R7 and R8, ensures very low crossover distorsion. HIFI Headphone Amplifier Circuit Diagram Feedback resitors R3 and R4 fix the gain at about 15dB. The consequent overall distortion with a 3dB bandwidth from 10 Hz to 30 Hz is only 0.1 percent. The amplifier delivers a maxiumum powder of 1 watt into 8 ohm for an input signal of about 500 mV rms. High-impedance headphones and 4 ohm loudspeakers may also be connected withoutdetriment. The amplifier is best b...