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Showing posts from October, 2017


LM1875   g eneral description: LM1875 pcb layout The LM1875 is a monolithic power amplifier offering very low distortion and high quality performance for consumer audio applications. The LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4Ω or 8Ω load on ±25V supplies. Using an 8Ω load and ±30V supplies, over 30 watts of power may be delivered. The amplifier is designed to operate with a minimum of external components. Device overload protection consists of both internal current limit and thermal shutdown.The LM1875 design takes advantage of advanced circuit techniques and processing to achieve extremely low distortion levels even at high output power levels. Other outstanding features include high gain, fast slew rate and a wide power bandwidth, large output voltage swing, high current capability, and a very wide supply range. The amplifier is internally compensated and stable for gains of 10 or greater. LM1875  amplifier circuit : LM1875 AUDIO AMPLIFIER 20W...

100W Guitar Amplifier Schematic

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TDA8947J Audio Amplifier 29W

TDA8947J   g eneral description: The TDA8947J contains four identical audio power amplifiers. The TDA8947J can be used as: four Single-Ended (SE) channels with a fixed gain of 26 dB, two times Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) channels with a fixed gain of 32 dB or two times SE channels (26 dB gain) plus one BTL channel (32 dB gain) operating as a 2.1 system The TDA8947J comes in a 17-pin Dil-Bent-Sil (DBS) power package. The TDA8947J is pin compatible with the TDA8944AJ and TDA8946AJ. The TDA8947J contains a unique protection circuit that is solely based on multiple temperature measurements inside the chip. This gives maximum output power for all supply voltages and load conditions with no unnecessary audio holes. Almost any supply voltage and load impedance combination can be made as long as thermal boundary conditions (number of channels used, external heatsink and ambient temperature) allow it. TDA8947J  features : SE: 1 W to 25 W, BTL: 4 W to 50 W operation poss...

LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W

LX1720  g eneral description: The LX1720 controller IC contains the necessary functions to implement a stereo Class-D audio amplifier. A Class-D amplifier is a "switching" amplifier that converts a low-level, analog, audio input signal into a highpower, pulse-width modulated (PWM) output. The switching frequency is much higher than the audio band which allows high frequency out-of-band components to be removed with a simple LC filter. The LX1720 generates a PWM output by controlling external MOSFET's connected in a full-bridge configuration. Because the MOSFET's are either full "on" or full "off", their power dissipation is minimal allowing maximum power to be delivered to the speaker. LX1720 Circuit: LX1720 Audio Amplifier 2x20W

TDA8922 Audio Amplifier 2x25W

TDA8922   g eneral description: The TDA8922 is a high efficiency class-D audio power amplifier with very low dissipation.  The typical output power is 2 × 25 W. The device is available in the HSOP24 power package with a small internal heatsink and in the DBS23P through-hole power package. Depending on the supply voltage and load conditions, a very small or even no external heatsink is required. The amplifier operates over a wide supply voltage range from ±12.5 to ±30 V and consumes a very low quiescent current. TDA8922  features : High efficiency (∼90%) Operating supply voltage from ±12.5 to ±30 V Very low quiescent current Low distortion Usable as a stereo Single-Ended (SE) amplifier or as amono amplifier in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) Fixed gain of 30 dB in Single-Ended (SE) and 36 dB in Bridge-Tied Load (BTL) High output power Good ripple rejection Internal switching frequency can be overruled by an external clock No switch-on or swi...

LM3886 Audio Amplifier 1 x 108W

LM3886   g eneral description: According to National Semiconductor, the LM3886 is a high performance 150W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute. The performance of the LM3886, say NS, utilizing its Self Peak Instantaneous Temperature (°Ke) (SPIKe) protection circuitry, puts in a class above discrete and hybrid amplifiers by providing an inherently, dynamically protected Safe Operating Area (SOA). The LM3886T comes in an 11 (staggered-) lead non-isolated TO220 package. We put the LM3886T schematic and an existing printed circuit board as a basis. For test purposes, the prototype of the amplifier was powered by a stabilized ±35-V supply. A maximum undistorted output power of about 63 watts into 8 ohms was obtained at a drive level of 1 Vrms. Dropping the load impedance to 4 ohms pushed the output power to no less than 108 watts. In practice, these power levels can be taken to mean ‘music power’, but do remember that the amplifier will not normally be powered from a regulated supply!...

TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2x25W

TDA7490   g eneral description: The TDA7490 is a dual audio class D amplifier assembled in Flexiwatt 25 package; it is specially designed for high efficiency application mainly for TV and Home Stereo sets. TDA7490 features:  25W + 25W OUTPUT POWER: RL = 8Ω/4Ω; THD = 10% HIGH EFFICIENCY WIDE SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE (FROM ±10 TO ±25V) SPLIT SUPPLY TURN OFF/ON POP FREE ST-BY AND MUTE FEATURES SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION ACROSS THE LOAD THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION EXTERNALLY SINCHRONIZABLE BRIDGE CONFIGURATION TDA7490 amplifier diagram, circuits: TDA7490 Audio Amplifier 2x25W TDA7490 layout, pcb: TDA7490 layout, pcb TDA7490 layout, pcb


General Description: The TDA1908 is a monolithic integrated circuit in  12 lead quad in-line plastic package intended for  low frequency power applications.The mounting is  compatible with the old types TBA800, TBA810S,  TCA830S and TCA940N. Its main features are: Features: flexibility in use with a max output curent of 3A  and an operating supply voltage range of 4V to  30V; protection against chip overtemperature; soft limiting in saturation conditions; low ”switch-on” noise; low number of external components; high supply voltage rejection; Circuit Diagram 8W AUDIO AMPLIFIER TDA1908

TDA7294 Audio Amplifier 2 x 80W

TDA7294 general description: This circuit described here uses two cis tda 7294 for use in stereo (2 x 80Watts) or bridge mode (1x 180 Watts), to configure this setting just four jumpers. To facilitate mounting the circuit has power supply attached. The power is kind of simple symmetrical with a bridge rectifier 6A, and two large electrolytic capacitors , 10000μF the 22000μF/50v. This Power supply will for the two modules. The processor is recommended 22-0-22 to 28-0-28 / 5A, depending on the quality of the transformer is recommended at least 6 amps of current. TDA7294 features: High power performances with limited supply voltage level. Considerably high output power even with high load values (i.e. 16 Ohm). Rl= 8 Ohm,  Vs = ±25V  Pmax = 150 W Rl=16Ohm,  Vs = ±35V  TDA7294 circuit diagram: TDA7294 circuit diagram TDA7294 layout: TDA7294 layout TDA7294 pcb: TDA7294 pcb Datasheet for TDA7294:   Download Searches rel...